The Karachi Port handled 89,324 tonnes of cargo comprising 72,186 tonnes of import cargo and 17,138 tonnes of export cargo including 5,544 loaded & empty containers during last 24 hours ended at 0700 hours on Thursday. The total import cargo of 72,186 tonnes comprised of 39,300 tonnes of containerised cargo; 4,852 tonnes of general cargo; 12,750 tonnes of coal and 15,284 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 17,138 tonnes comprised of 16,689 tonnes of containerised cargo and 449 tonnes of cement. A total number of 5,544 containers comprising 2,414 containers import and 3,130 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Thursday.
Four ships namely Hyundai Bangkok, Hammonia Iodium, OEL Trust and CSAV Lanalhue carrying four container ships respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period. Four vessels viz UASC Shuwaikh, Santa Rafeala, Jolly and Pacific Green carrying three container ships and one general cargo ship respectively are currently at the berths.
Two ships namely UASC Shuwaikh and Southern Jaugar carrying one container ship and one general cargo ship respectively sailed out to sea on Thursday, while three ships namely Rio Blanco, Sapphire Express and Proikonissos with one container ship, one oil tanker and one general cargo ship respectively are expected to sail on Friday. A container vessel viz Rio Blanco due to arrive on Thursday, while seven vessels viz APL Chicago, MT Quetta, Turquoise T, Lodestar Genesis, Electa, Tabernacle Prince and Sam Dragon carrying one container ship, one oil tanker two chemicals carriers, one mogas ship, one cement carrier and one steel coils ship respectively are due to arrive on Friday.