MUZAFFARGARH: The district administration imposed fine on three fertilizer dealers for selling fertilizer on high rates during a special crackdown launched here on Sunday. In line with special directives of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) the Assistant Kot Addu Amir Mahmood along with Agriculture officer Shabir Gashkori, conducted raids at various locations of the district and checked prices of fertilizers at various shops.
They imposed a fine of Rs 75,000 on three dealers Chaudhry Fertilizer, Arrain Fertilizer and Nadeem Fertilizer involved in selling fertilizer on high rates. Speaking on the occasion, AC Amir Mahmood said that all possible resources were being utilized to ensure availability of fertilizer on controlled rates as per directives of the provincial government in order to facilitate farmers. He warned dealers, to avoid hoarding and over charging of fertilizer otherwise strict action would be taken against them without any discrimination.