Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Saturday that Skardu airport will transform the area into a "world winter sports destination."
The premier expressed the view while sharing pictures of the city on his Twitter handle.
In December 2021, the premier inaugurated the Skardu International Airport and the Jaglot-Skardu strategic road.
At the time, PM Khan had said that, given the area's exceptional beauty, Pakistan can earn about $30 to 40 billion from it.
He said that because of the road and the airport, both international and domestic tourists will pour into Gilgit-Baltistan (GB).
He further said that overseas Pakistanis will be the first ones to visit the region to spend their summer vacations, adding that this will provide livelihood opportunities to the local people.
Skardu International Airport to enhance tourism in GB: PM
Tourism can become a big asset for Pakistan, the PM continued, pointing out that Switzerland, which is half the size of GB, is earning 70 billion dollars from the industry.
However, his statement comes at a time as the nation grapples with the Murree tragedy that saw tourists flock to the hill station earlier this month. As authorities scrambled to control the surge in influx, citizens remained restricted inside their vehicles due to snowfall and subsequent traffic congestion. The weekend saw at least 22 deaths reported, the cause of which was later determined to be the buildup of carbon monoxide in their vehicles.
Many have stated that while Pakistan needs to boost the tourism industry, it needs to be accompanied with a coherent, long-term, and sustainable strategy as well.
Also read: Promoting tourism in Pakistan: lessons from Dubai