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PARTLY FACETIOUS: Women’s march on women’s day

19 Feb, 2022

“We are so different from the West.”

“The Khan says that it is the West that is following the Medina ki Riyasat principles in letter and spirit…why are you laughing?”

“Well, we have all the letters, but not the spirit in so many of our laws, resolutions and decisions.”

“What are you referring to? Banning the women’s march on women’s day!? Did women march in the days of Medina ki Riysat I ask you?”

“I know one way the Prime Minister’s wife will become more popular than The Khan, and that is to lead this march.”

“She is apolitical my friend.”

“True, but she is a woman and all women who previously supported The Khan’s protests will support her if she decides to…”

“Stop, the poor woman avoids public events and yet she receives such derogatory social media posts, I mean can you imagine the attacks against her if she participates in the march!”

“Hmm, but she would have the respect of more than 50 percent of the country’s population and…”

“Not happening, anyway the West is so very different from our culture I mean can you imagine the West even appointing a Minister of Religious Affairs leave alone the chief executive following his advice to ban…”

“That’s not what I was referring to when I said that the West is so different from the Medina ki Riyasat.”

“Were you referring to the clothes by any chance and rape victims and…”

“No, no and again no. Move on my friend, hopefully The Khan has.”

“Were you referring to the fact that the West can give more in social security payments then we can — I mean they have so much more money and…”

“Nope, not that either. Let me give you a hint, my observations are entirely non-partisan.”

“Today with talk of an imminent vote of no confidence there is nothing that is non-partisan and…”

“My God you get side-tracked so easily. Anyway what I was referring to when I said that the West is so different from us is the fact that Donald Trump, the former President of the United States…”

“Hey I know who Trump is. I mean I maybe a Khanzadah more focused on the qualities of my leader but that doesn’t mean…”

“Yeah, yeah, anyway Trump’s accountants have resigned because he wanted them to show income more than what he had - perhaps to get loans I guess - while our leaders show income less than they have…”

“Ha ha ha, you are being facetious.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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