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Philippines raises $266mn at T-bill auction; yields climb

MANILA: Following are the results of the Philippine Bureau of the Treasury’s (BTr) auction of T-bills on...
21 Mar, 2022

MANILA: Following are the results of the Philippine Bureau of the Treasury’s (BTr) auction of T-bills on Monday:

  • BTr awards 13.896 billion pesos ($265.5 million) worth of T-bills, less than its 15 billion pesos offer and against total tenders of 25.914 billion pesos.

  • BTr awards 4.866 billion pesos of 91-day T-bill at avg rate of 1.536% versus March 14 auction avg of 1.305%.

Philippines rejects all bids at T-bill auction as banks seek higher yields

  • BTr fully awards 5 billion pesos offer of 182-day T-bill at avg rate of 1.607% versus March 14 auction avg of 1.458%.

  • BTr awards 4.03 billion pesos of 364-day T-bill at avg rate of 1.792% versus March 14 auction avg of 1.734%.

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