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Transport operators and vehicles: Pakistan, Afghanistan will issue TAD

26 Apr, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Afghanistan will issue “temporary admission document (TAD)” to the transport operators (bonded carriers) and vehicles of both the countries for increasing transit trade activities through land route.

The FBR has issued SRO 550 (I)/2022 to issue draft amendments to the Customs Rules, 2001, here on Monday.

The FBR’s new rules revealed that Pakistan Customs (Directorate of Transit Trade, Karachi) and Afghanistan Ministry of Transport will share list of approved transport operators (bonded carriers) and vehicles. When new transport operators or vehicles are added to the list, other side shall be informed via email, immediately. Both sides shall nominate focal persons for the timely exchange of this information.

The list of approved Afghan transport operators and their registered vehicles shall be forwarded by Directorate of Transit Trade, Karachi to the concerned officers in Embassy of Pakistan, Kabul and consulate General of Pakistan at Kandahar and Jalalabad and the list of approved Pakistani transport operators (bonded carriers) and their registered vehicles shall be forwarded by Afghan authorities to the concerned officers in Embassy of Afghanistan or Consulate General of Afghanistan, Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar and the Directorate General of Transit Trade, Karachi.

The “temporary admission document (TAD)” means a document issued by a competent authority of one Contracting Party against a fee on a prescribed format to the vehicles registered and licensed in the territory of the other contracting party for international carriage of goods that allows them to enter or exit or transit through the territory of the other contracting party”, the FBR said.

The rules stated that the Trade Officer and Commercial Assistant, Commercial Wing, Pakistan Embassy, Kabul and Commercial Wing, Pakistan Consulate, Kandahar shall sign or issue the TAD for vehicles registered in Afghanistan. The transport attaché, Afghan consulate generals, Quetta and Peshawar Pakistan shall sign and issue, on the format set out in appendix-HIC the TAD for vehicles registered in Pakistan.

The Pakistan Consulate, Jalalabad shall issue TAD at a later date, once commercial section officials are placed there, in consultation with the Government of Afghanistan; statement of TADs issued by Pak embassy shall be furnished to the designated focal point of Pak Customs Peshawar and Quetta on daily basis via email and Afghanistan side will develop same system on their side; TAD shall be issued against payment of fee of $100.

The TAD fee collected by Pakistan embassy or consulates in Afghanistan shall be transferred to the account of Directorate General of Transit Trade on monthly basis. However, no fee shall be charged for the application form from the applicants. Both sides shall ensure its free availability and shall also up load the form on embassy or consulate websites which shall be freely downloadable. A bar code having all the details of the vehicles may be embossed on TAD, the FBR maintained.

If the vehicle goes missing, in the territory of the other contracting party, the owner will be charged to pay duties and taxes to be ascertained by the technical committee having representatives from customs of both countries, on the basis of depreciated value of the vehicle, as per prevailing laws, the FBR added.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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