FAISALABAD: “Government needs to provide enabling environments for women entrepreneurs to facilitate for business knowledge, cheap finance, skill development and digital technology and also unnecessary social barriers so that women could play their due role in economic development,” said Mrs. Nighat Shahid, President Faisalabad Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FWCCI) here today.
She was addressing to the participants of FWCCI event on ‘Promoting Women Entrepreneurship – export Development and certificate distribution ceremony to the ‘new business start ups’ held at FCCI Auditorium. The event was well graced by Atif Munir Sheikh, President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry as Chief Guest.
She said that as a President FWCCI, her main focus was on promoting women entrepreneurship. For this purpose, she worked on capacity building of women by training programs as of Digital Marketing, Graphic Designing, Soft Ware Development, Web Development, Mobile Repair, Computer Application etc.
She said that hundreds of thousands females are graduating every year from our universities. She said that she motivated them for business career to start up their own business which will in parallel reduce pressure on job market also.
Enhancing Exports is main focus of our Government. She said that for this purpose, she organized last year first ever All Women Presidents Conference and secondly International Conference in Islamabad to facilitate women led businesses to venture for export markets. She said that she has planned a business delegation to Malaysia in second week of August and will display women products at Pakistan High Commission Kuala Lumpur to fetch export orders.
She also asked the women to participate in the activities of FWCCI to utilize their capabilities with full and frank manner.
Atif Munir Sheikh, President FCCI addressing the participants appreciated the efforts of President FWCCI Mrs. Nighat Shahid for introducing the FWCCI at national and international level.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022