LAHORE Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi in his message on the advent of Muharram-ul-Haram said that the first month of the new Islamic year Muharram-ul Haram gives us the lesson of sacrifice and to remain steadfast on the truth as well as on reality.
CM urged the religious scholars and Mashaikh from all schools of thought to promote brotherhood, religious harmony and tolerance among their followers and in the country. He appreciated the religious scholars and Mashaikh for always guiding the country and the nation. He termed that the services of the religious scholars and Mashaikh cannot be overlooked and forgotten for maintaining the environment of peace and harmony during Muharram-ul Haram.
CM hoped that given the sensitivity of present circumstances, the religious scholars and Mashaikh would always promote integrity, solidarity and brotherhood. CM underscored that the soil of our dear homeland demands from us to unite together by forgetting our vested interests and mutual differences.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022