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Port Qasim activity

12 Aug, 2022

KARACHI: Five ships namely, MSC Houston, EM Astoria, IVS Atsugi, T Risha and Hafnia Shinano carrying Containers, Coal, Palm oil and Gas oil arrived at Port Qasim on Wednesday, 10th August-2022, berthed at Container Terminal, Bulk Terminal, Liquid Terminal and Oil Terminal respectively.

Meanwhile two more ships, Super Trader and Milha Raslafan carrying Wheat and LNG also arrived at outer anchorage of the Port Qasim during last 24 hours.

PQA berths were engaged by 10 ships during the last 24 hours, out of them, Container ship, ‘MSC Houston’ and Chemicals carrier ‘GC Argon’ left the port on Thursday morning and two more ships, FCL Celebration and EM Astoria are expected to sail on today in the afternoon.

Cargo throughput during last 24 hours stood at 142,283 tonnes, comprising 105,283 tonnes imports cargo and 36,853 tonnes export cargo, including containerized cargo carried in 4,338 Containers (2,757 TEUs Imports and 1,581TEUs export) was handled at the port.

There are 13 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them, three ships, Star Gaia, Ginga Cheeta, and Milhar Raslafan & two more ships, MSC Iris and Navious Constellation scheduled to load/offload Rice, Chemicals, LNG and Containers are expected to take berths at MW-1, EVTL, EETL and QICT respectively on Thursday, 11th August-2022.

Nearly, 7691 containers comprising of 4886 containers import and 2805 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Thursday.

The break-up of imported containers shows 1356 of 20’s and 1697 of 40’s loaded while 00 of 20’s and 168 of 40’s empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 252 of 20’s and 442 of 40’s loaded containers while 789 of 20’s and 440 of 40’s empty containers were handled during the business hours.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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