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PARTLY FACETIOUS: Legislation on defamation laws

“I hate the word disqualification.” “I guess that’s one thing the Nawalas, the elder Sharif supporters, and...
24 Aug, 2022

“I hate the word disqualification.”

“I guess that’s one thing the Nawalas, the elder Sharif supporters, and the Khanzadehs, The Khan supporters, have in common now.”

“Nawala in Urdu means a bite, and don’t you think it’s a tad less than…”

“Hush, legislation on defamation laws will be next my friend. Anyway its relative – the big fish need more food intake than the little fish and…”

“But have you noticed that none of the Zardaris are disqualified.”

“The King of Requalification…though Gilani stands disqualified.”

“Right, but Gilani is a second tier leader and let’s be honest he may be shifted to third tier after his family members have been unable to win any seats for over nine years, even recently when elections were held in Multan Shah Mehmud’s son won…”

“Right, but see disqualification as a word is one which I intensely dislike…wait let me finish, it has an element of someone else taking a decision that may be momentous for me, be it in my career or…or…can’t think of anything at a personal level that I can be disqualified for but in any case disqualification is not my favourite word.”

“As opposed to failure?”

“Precisely, see failure is a condition which implies that I was personally responsible for whatever befell me…”

“Befell? Which century are you living in? The Genghis Khan century or is it Hallaku Khan?”

“Well that does make me angry and I hereby announce that I am going to disqualify you from uttering another word…”

“Hey, I didn’t mean…”

“Not a single word and I mean it. You say one more word and I will have your accounts frozen.”


“There you go, accounts frozen.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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