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Economy: no light at the end of the tunnel

07 Sep, 2022

In my personal view a primary problem with regard to Pakistan’s economy is that there is a lack of complete and correct understanding of the facts on the ground. Late last week, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) issued a report about Pakistan’s economy which includes as ‘Table 3a’ projection about the current account of Pakistan.

The table has been prepared as per IMF requirements. It is not easy even for a person knowledgeable in financial matters to decipher this table in a manner that ordinary readers are able to identify the issues therein.

In the following table, I have described the cash flow position of Pakistan’s foreign currency account in a simple manner. All the figures have been taken from the information contained in the IMF report.

The answer, in summary is that the position is not good and people at large have to be educated to improve the situation instead of engaging in unnecessary and amateurish senseless political discussion. The cash position in simple terms is as under:

===========================================================================================Pakistan’s Cash Position $ million [2023-2027]===========================================================================================INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND REPORT===========================================================================================                             2022-23     2023-24   2024-25    2025-26    2026-27      Total===========================================================================================Imports goods                 68,756      74,595    77,034     82,464     88,205Imports services              10,550      11,800    12,899     14,057     15,739Primary outlays               79,306      86,385    89,933     96,521    103,944Exports-goods                 35,900      36,900    38,319     41,286     44,064Exports-Services               7,043       8,204     9,086      9,850     10,749Principal inflows             42,943      45,104    47,405     51,136     54,813-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------deficit                       36,363      41,281    42,528     45,485     49,131-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interest payments (net ofincome from investment)        4,763       5,230     5,295      6,025      7,053-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total cash requirement        41,126      46,511    47,823     51,510     56,184-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other ReceiptsWorkers' Remittances          28,958      33,080    34,344     36,013     38,014Other private transfers        2,647       3,241     2,540      3,663      5,356Net Cash requirements          9,251      10,190    10,939     11,834     12,814Minor adjustments                 29         231       341        342        231-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As per IMF-Net outflow         ,9280       9,959    10,598     11,492     12,583     53,912-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foreign investment             5,380       9,033    11,665     11,472     13,461     51,011Net Position-outflows          3,900         926   (1,067)         20      (878)       2901-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foreign Loans,               135,931    144,,160   148,431    149,620    148,630-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Further loans-new borrowings/(repayments)       8,229        4271     1,189      (990)                12,699-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reserves (desired)            16,226      17,436    19,143     21,311     22,831-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Increase in reserves           1.210       1,707     2,168       1520                  6605Unexplained inflows           13,339       6,884     2,290        510      (878)     22,205===========================================================================================

This table shows that from the year 2023 to 2027:

  1. Pakistan will have a foreign currency outflow being excess of goods and services imports over exports after deducting home remittances of US $ 54 billion.

  2. There will be no reduction in the foreign loan liability; instead there will be a net increase of UD $12.699 billion in loan liabilities of Pakistan. In other words, repayment of existing loans and interest thereon is paid by securing new loans with the result that every year the quantum of loan is increasing.

  3. If the foreign reserves are to be maintained at above US $ 20 billion then there will be an additional requirement of US $ 6.6 billion.

This means that Pakistan requires around US $ 73 billion from any other source. As per the IMF estimates, there will be foreign investment during the period of US $ 51 billion, which leaves the unexplained requirement of US $ 22 billion.

In my personal view this is not sustainable situation and there appears to be no simple recipe for Pakistan. The IMF report is completely silent about the future sustainability in these circumstances. But it is not the IMF’s problem.

It is our problem. We have to sort it out; otherwise; as I said in December 2021, the state is not a going concern. I will be discussing this matter in the subsequent articles, however, the primary concern for me is the over aggressive projection about foreign investment in Pakistan of over US $ 50 billion over the next four years.

The amount of investment is not big in terms of funds available with foreign and local investors and the potential in Pakistan, however, the manner in which we are running our state, Pakistan is not the first option for foreign direct investment. When there is news about a ceasefire or no ceasefire with TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) after every two weeks, the confidence level of foreign investors is eroded for years to come.

It is quite expected that in its desire to attract foreign investment, Pakistan may enter into ventures which are totally unsustainable in the long run. It is to be clearly noted that all foreign investors require repatriation of dividend and capital in US dollar.

So the investment is only viable if it can add value to the economy. In accounting terms, read with foreign exchange laws, a foreign investment is a liability not an asset unless it results in export promotion or import substitution in the real sense; otherwise, it is detrimental for the economy. However, in Pakistan, on account of cash crunch, our policies for foreign investment are made to balance the current account for the short term.

This is expected to be repeated again. Nevertheless, I feel that ‘Q Block’ in Islamabad is not capable of creating any system which will be able to attract this investment in a proper manner. A new system of economic governance is required to be designed. This requires a very proactive role by the State Bank of Pakistan.

The most worrying aspect for me is the fact that there is an unexplained gap of over US $ 22 billion being the requirement to balance the books even without paying a single penny out of existing liability.

‘Who will pay us this money and on what consideration and condition?’ is a question which is not being answered by anyone. Those who say that the IMF is good or bad have to understand that the IMF is not a lender in our case. It is a deemed guarantor for the existing loan liabilities for which we have no money to repay and future requirement for the gap.

In summary, the cash position as reflected by the IMF shows a dismal picture of Pakistan’s economy. As stated above, this requires serious economic restructuring if it desires to be a going concern. Countries do not disappear from the political map; however, people suffer when economies are destroyed by not addressing the facts on ground.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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