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Activities of Karachi Port and Port Qasim

15 Sep, 2022

KARACHI: The Karachi Port Trust handled 63,682 tonnes of cargo comprising 32,472 tonnes of import cargo and 31,210 tonnes of export cargo during the 24 hours ending at 0700 hours.

The total import cargo of 32,472 comprised of 13,144 tonnes of Containerized Cargo, 9,511 tonnes of Bulk Cargo, 3,056 tonnes of Rapessed, 1,106 tonnes of Rock Phosphate, 2,434 tonnes of Urea & 3,221 tonnes of Wheat.

The total export cargo of 31,210 tonnes comprised of 17,302 tonnes of containerized cargo, 8,968 tonnes of Mill Scale & 4,940 tonnes of Clinkers.

-Nearly, 3190 containers comprising of 856 containers import and 2334 containers export were handled on Wednesday.

The break-up of imported containers shows 306 of 20’s and 275 of 40’s loaded while 00 of 20’s and 00 of 40’s empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 355 of 20’s and 204 of 40’s loaded containers while 105 of 20’s and 733 of 40’s empty containers were handled during the business hours.

Approximately, 06 ships namely Admiralty Spirit, Cosco Antwerp, Afros, Thorswind, Bulk Mustique and GC Beryl have berthed at Karachi Port.

Around, 06 ships namely, Snoopy, RHL Marta, Alfred N, Butinah, DSM Castor & OOCL Guangzhou sailed from Karachi Port.

Some 08 ships, name Nave Estella, Chemroute Oasis, Conopus, MT Lahore, Global Elegance, Tarlan, X-press Anglesey and African Tooucan were expected to arrive at the port.


Four ships carrying Containers and Coal arrived at Port Qasim on Tuesday, 13th September-2022, berthed at Container Terminal and Bulk Terminal respectively.

Meanwhile another ship carrying Palm oil also arrived at outer anchorage of the Port Qasim during the same day.

PQA berths were engaged by eleven ships during the last 24 hours, out of them, five ships left the port on Wednesday while two more ships are expected to sail on today in the afternoon.

Cargo throughput during last 24 hours stood at 171,327 tonnes, comprising 125,478 tonnes imports cargo and 45,849 tonnes export cargo, including containerized cargo carried in 1,841 Containers (603 TEUs Imports and 1,238 TEUs export) was handled at the port.

There are 17 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them, two ships, Tiger Integrity and LR1 Charm carrying 7,500 tonnes Palm oil and 59,205 tonnes Mogas are expected to take berths at Liquid Terminal and Oil Terminal respectively on Wednesday 14th September-2022.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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