Higher Education Commission (HEC) is planning to award 600 Masters leading to PhD scholarships for Balochistan province. The federal government has recently approved project under the "Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package" at a cost of Rs 3138.692 billion.
The project is focused towards providing opportunities for access to higher education to financially constrained youth of Balochistan, who despite possessing academic merit are unable to continue higher education. The offered scholarship would cover tuition costs, accommodation and living expenses of the selected candidates.
According to the information collected from the HEC, 400 indigenous and 200 overseas scholarships for Masters/MS leading to PhD studies would be awarded to the natives of the province. However, 25 per cent scholarships out of 600 scholarships have been reserved for in-service government, R&D organisations/faculty members and employees of universities, colleges/ degree awarding institutes and remaining 75 per cent will be awarded on open merit.
The project would supplement the efforts of government to focus over human resource development in Pakistan. It would provide incentives to the talented students of Balochistan to achieve excellence in their area of interest and ensure availability of trained man-power for research and development in basic sciences, agriculture, life sciences and engineering & technology, arts, languages and social sciences.
The project would be greatly helpful in covering two important aspects ie recognition of merit & ensuring parity at national level, which would lead towards national integration, cohesion and strengthening the bonds of fraternity. The interesting feature of this scholarship program is its eligibility criteria, which will directly target the inhabitants of Balochistan as the candidate must have studied/obtained at least two certificates/degrees from HEC recognised universities/DAIs located in Balochistan province.
Furthermore, preference would be given to the disciplines mostly related to the economic and social needs of the province ie mining, petroleum, marine & fisheries and agriculture etc. The scholars after completing their Ph.D degrees would be required to serve at Balochistan for at least five years so that educational institutions and industry of Balochistan may get maximum benefits from their knowledge and expertise.-PR