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Japan Business dialogue: Message from Kalim Farooqui Chairman, PJBF

30 Sep, 2022

TEXT: Pakistan Japan Joint Business Dialogue alternatively takes place in Japan and in Pakistan. I am glad to see that it is being hosted this year in Islamabad on September 29. The 9th Business to Business Dialogue is being held in conjunction with the 7th Government to Government Dialogue, a delegation for which is being led by the Parliamentary Vice Minister of Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), H.E Satomi Ryuji. The year 2022 is significant as both countries celebrate 70 years of their Diplomatic Relations. We profoundly welcome our Japanese guests on this momentous occasion.

Pakistan Japan Business Forum (PJBF) expresses it gratitude to its Japanese counterpart the Japan Pakistan Business Cooperation Committee (JPBCC) headed by Teruo Asada, Chairman, who is representing a delegation of over 60 Japanese businessmen, most of whom represent conglomerates of Japan.

We welcome the opportunity to host the event together with the Ministry of Commerce and be able to discuss the prospects of increasing trade and investments as also focus on the impediments that stand in the way. As in the past, PJBF hopes that the deliberations will be substantive and meaningful in the mutual benefit of both countries. Japan can benefit from Pakistan which has immense natural resources and supplemented by talented human resources. Trade figures are heavily in favour of Japan and therefore Pakistan needs to find ways to penetrate the Japanese markets with nontraditional exports such as information technology and other goods & services which can be conveniently offered being competitive. This too is an integral part of the dialogue for the consideration it rightly deserves.

PJBF was established in 2001 and has been partnering with JPBCC which was established in 1984. The common factor with both is to promote economic relations between Pakistan and Japan and are again together converging in Islamabad with their respective delegates at the 9th Pakistan Japan Joint Business Dialogue. We are confident that the dialogue will be constructive and helpful to both Pakistan and to Japan who have had a long mutually beneficial relationship.

Long Live Pakistan Japan Friendship!

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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