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Dividend/Bonus Announcements

KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange....
05 Oct, 2022

KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

==========================================================================================================                     For the YEAR                Profit/(Loss)      EPS         ANNUAL          CLOSURE OF                         ENDED/      DIVIDEND/       After          (Rs)        GENERAL              SHARE                      HALF YEARLY/    BONUS/       Taxation                     MEETING           TRANSFERCOMPANY                QUARTERLY      RIGHT        (Rs. in                                           BOOKS                       ACCOUNTS                    million)                                               ==========================================================================================================Siddiqsons Tin         30.6.2022       Nil        201.264           0.88       27.10.2022    21.10.2022 toPlate Limited          Year Ended                                              11.00.A.M.       27.10.2022                                                                               AGMQuetta Textile         30.6.2022       Nil        33.443            2.57       28.10.2022    21.10.2022 toMills Limited          Year Ended                                              09.30.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                                                       AGMOlympia Mills          30.6.2022       Nil        242.661           20.22      27.10.2022    21.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              12.00.Noon.      27.10.2022                                                                               AGMArpak International    30.6.2022       Nil        (79.020)          (19.76)    26.10.2022    19.10.2022 toInvestments            Year Ended                                              11.30.A.M.       26.10.2022Limited                                                                                                AGMRedco Textiles         30.6.2022       Nil        17.488            0.355      28.10.2022    21.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              09.00.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMCrescent Jute          30.6.2022       Nil        51.215            2.16       28.10.2022    21.10.2022 toProducts Limited       Year Ended                                              10.00.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMGhandhara Industries   30.6.2022       Nil        728.500           17.10      28.10.2022    22.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              11.30.A.M.       28.10.2022(Unconsolidated)                                                               AGMZahidjee Textile       30.6.2022       10%        3,977.737         20.78      28.10.2022    22.10.2022 toMills Limited          Year Ended                                              04.00.P.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMJubilee Spinning &     30.6.2022       Nil        43.985            1.35       27.10.2022    21.10.2022 toWeaving Mills          Year Ended                                              10.30.P.M.       27.10.2022Limited                                                                        AGMMetropolitan Steel     30.6.2022       Nil        (79.880)          (2.58)     27.10.2022    21.10.2022 toCorporation            Year Ended                                              10.00.P.M.       27.10.2022Limited                                                                               AGMPremium Textile        30.6.2022       500%       4,310.377         699.40     26.10.2022    20.10.2022 toMills Limited          Year Ended                                              12.00. Noon.     26.10.2022                                                                               AGMG3 Technologies        30.6.2022       Nil        43.546            0.24       28.10.2022    21.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              11.00.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMGhani Glass            30.6.2022       Nil        6,044.859         7.20       26.10.2022    20.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              11.00.A.M.       26.10.2022                                                                               AGMGhani Value Glass      30.6.2022       20%        755.872           11.73      26.10.2022    20.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended      Bonus                                   12.00. Noon.     26.10.2022                                       Shares                                  AGMSally Textile mills    30.6.2022       Nil        90.814            10.35      26.10.2022    16.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              10.30.A.M.       26.10.2022                                                                                                       AGMBela Automotives       30.6.2022       Nil        (2.968)           (0.51)     28.10.2022    21.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              09.30.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMGhandhara Nissan       30.6.2022       Nil        101.155           1.77       28.10.2022    22.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              10.30.A.M.       28.10.2022(Unconsolidated)                                                               AGMAKD Hospitality        30.6.2022       Nil        (2.817)           (1.12)     27.10.2022    20.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              11.00.A.M.       27.10.2022                                                                               AGMFirst Tri-Star         30.6.2022       Nil        0.408             0.02       28.10.2022    24.10.2022 toModaraba               Year Ended                                              09.30.A.M.       31.10.2022                                                                               AGMS.S.Oil Mills          30.6.2022       50%        219.927           38.87      27.10.2022    24.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              11.00.A.M.       30.10.2022                                                                               AGMTrust Securities &     30.6.2022       Nil        (13.651)          (0.46)     28.10.2022    22.10.2022 toBrokerage Limited      Year Ended                                              03.15.P.M.       28.10.2022                                                                               AGMWah Nobel              30.6.2022       50%        209.122           23.24      28.10.2022    22.10.2022 toChemicals Limited      Year Ended                                              10.00.A.M.       28.10.2022                                                                                                       AGMSunrays Textile Mills  30.6.2022       Nil        1,909.806         92.26      27.10.2022    21.10.2022 toLimited                Year Ended                                              04.30.P.M.       27.10.2022(Unconsolidated)                                                                                       AGMAli Asghar Textile     30.06.2023      Nil        33.029            0.74       26.10.2022    20.10.2022 toMills Limited          Year                                                    02.00.P.M        26.10.2022                                                                                                       AGM==========================================================================================================

Indication: (*) As per Company Announcement.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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