KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
========================================================================================================== For the YEAR Profit/(Loss) EPS ANNUAL CLOSURE OF ENDED/ DIVIDEND/ After (Rs) GENERAL SHARE HALF YEARLY/ BONUS/ Taxation MEETING TRANSFERCOMPANY QUARTERLY RIGHT (Rs. in BOOKS ACCOUNTS million) ==========================================================================================================United Distributors 30.6.2022 Nil (352.405) (9.99) 28.10.2022 22.10.2022 toPakistan Limited Year Ended 02.30.P.M. 28.10.2022 AGMPower Cement 30.6.2022 Nil (443.949) (0.62) 28.10.2022 21.10.2022 toLimited Year Ended Nil 10.00.A.M 28.10.2022 AGMColony Textile 30.6.2022 Nil 286.311 0.57 27.10.2022 20.10.2022 tomills Limited Year Ended 10.00.A.M 27.10.2022(Unconsolidated) AGMUniversal Network 30.6.2022 Nil 15.945 0.65 28.10.2022 22.10.2022 toSystem Year Ended 04.00.P.M. 28.10.2022Limited (GEM) AGMIdrees Textile 30.6.2022 Nil 432.006 21.76 27.10.2022 25.10.2022 toMills Limited Year Ended 03.00.P.M. 01.11.2022 AGMHala Enterprises 30.6.2022 Nil 11.784 0.91 28.10.2022 21.10.2022 toLimited Year Ended 10.30.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMFirst Equity 30.6.2022 Nil (6.724) (0.13) 22.12.2022 11.12.2022 toModaraba Year Ended 10.30.A.M. 22.12.2022(Unconsolidated) AGMAEL Textiles 30.6.2022 Nil (13.894) (1.74) 28.10.2022 21.10.2022 toLimited Year Ended 10.00.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMFirst Fidelity 30.6.2022 Nil (6.215) (0.24) 27.10.2022 21.10.2022 toLeasing Modaraba Year Ended 11.30.A.M. 27.10.2022 AGMSana Industries 30.6.2022 10% 128.288 10.60 28.10.2022 21.10.2022 toLimited Year Ended 03.30.P.M. 28.10.2022(Unconsolidated) AGMLandmark Spinning 30.6.2022 Nil (14.290) (1.18) 27.10.2022 20.10.2022 ltoIndustries Year Ended 03.30.P.M. 27.10.2022Limited AGMService Industries 30.6.2022 Nil (11.370) (0.82) 28.10.2022 21.10.2022 toTextiles Limited Year Ended 09.30.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMS.G. Power Limited 30.6.2022 Nil (0.645) (0.036) 27.10.2022 24.10.2022 to Year Ended 10.30.A.M. 27.10.2022 AGMKohinoor 30.6.2022 Nil 32.964 1.09 28.10.2022 22.10.2022 toIndustries Limited Year Ended 11.00.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMFirst Imrooz 30.6.2022 55% 24.369 8.12 28.10.2022 15.10.2022 toModaraba Year Ended 11.30.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMKohinoor Power 30.6.2022 Nil (3.238) (0.26) 28.10.2022 22.10.2022 toCompany Limited Year Ended 11.30.A.M. 28.10.2022 AGMData Agro Limited 30.6.2022 Nil 2.677 0.67 28.10.2022 22.10.2022 to Year Ended 11.00.A.M. 30.10.2022 AGM==========================================================================================================
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022