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Silkbank consumer banking to continue momentum

09 Nov, 2022

KARACHI: This is with reference to the Public Announcement of Intention (PAI) issued by M/s Park View Enclave (Pvt) Ltd for investment of upto Rs 12 billion in Silkbank. In this regard M/s Arif Habib ( AHL), Manager to the offer, informed that due to change in business priorities, M/s. Park View Enclave (Pvt ) Ltd will not pursue the said letter of intent further.

The representative of AHL also informed the Silkbank Board that for raising the capital of the bank, they have identified other potential strong investors who have good prospects of meeting regulatory criteria, and they will update the Board upon receipt of the necessary letter of intent in the coming weeks. The potential equity injection will help accelerate the future growth of the bank and post capitalization, the bank will be able to fully comply with regulatory capital requirements.

It is pertinent to mention that the bank’s flagship consumer business continue to be amongst the top performing businesses in the industry. As a testament of the customer confidence reposed in the bank, the growth was led by its credit cards and personal loan products registering a growth of 41 percent profit before taxes from Rs 1.57 billion in 2019 to Rs 2.23 billion in 2020.

The deposits of the bank substantially increased by Rs 21 billion as compared to December 2019, taking the total deposit base to Rs 160 billion. Local currency Current Account grew by 32 percent while CASA deposits improved from 61 percent in December 2019 to 63 percent in December 2020. The bank’s net revenue also increased by Rs 2.96 billion registering 61 percent growth while expenses declined by Rs 638 million, decline of 8 percent. The upward positive momentum continues in 2022 as well.

On the other hand, the bank had to take various provisions in 2020 against some borrowers engaged primarily in the real estate businesses which were secured against mortgage of land. However, in December 2020, the bank entered into a REIT arrangement for disposal of these mortgaged land held by the Bank with M/s Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Company (RMC). This development will substantially address the bank’s NPL issue and result in major provision reversals.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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