Electronic/credit of dividend warrants/bonus/right share certificates

KARACHI: Electronic/credit of dividend warrants/bonus/right share certificates....
18 Nov, 2022

KARACHI: Electronic/credit of dividend warrants/bonus/right share certificates.

================================================================================Company                   Year Ended/         Dividend/Bonus/        Dispatched/                          Ending              Right                    Credit On================================================================================IBL Healthcare Ltd        30.06.2022          10% Final Cash          14.11.2022                                              Dividend 10%            16.11.2022                                              Bonus SharesNestle Pakistan Ltd       31.12.2022          850% Interim            14.11.2022                                              Cash DividendNishat Power Ltd          30.06.2023          20% Final               14.11.2022                                              Cash DividendDawood Hercules           31.12.2022          60% Interim             14.11.2022Corporation Limited                           Cash DividendWah Noble Chemicals       30.06.2022          50% Final               11.11.2022Limited                                       Cash DividendAhmad Hassan Textile      30.06.2022          22.5% Final             14.11.2022Mills Limited                                 Cash DividendPunjab Oil Mills Ltd      30.06.2022          20% Final               11.11.2022                                              Cash DividendMeezan Bank Ltd           31.12.2022          20% Interim             12.11.2022                                              Cash DividendAir Link                  30.06.2022          10% Final               11.11.2022Communication Ltd                             Cash DividendNadeem Textile            30.06.2022          60% Final               11.11.2022Mills Limited                                 Cash DividendAtlas Honda Ltd           31.03.2023          110% Interim            16.11.2022                                              Cash DividendThe Searle                30.06.2022          25% Bonus Shares        17.11.2022Company LimitedDawood Lawrencepur        31.12.2022          40% Interim             17.11.2022Limited                                       Cash Dividend================================================================================

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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