KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on Tuesday (November 29, 2022).
===========================================================================================CROSS TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CLIENT TO CLIENT & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS===========================================================================================Member Company Turnover RatesName of Shares===========================================================================================Arif Habib Ltd. Bank Al-Falah Ltd. 100,000 31.95 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 100,000 31.95High Land Securities Dewan Farooqe Motors 1,000 12.23 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 1,000 12.23Topline Sec. Fauji Cement 70,000 13.45 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 70,000 13.45Shajar Capital Pak Ghani Chemical 35,000 19.50MRA Sec. 300,000 19.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 335,000 19.05Chase Securities Gharibwal Cement 140,000 17.76 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 140,000 17.76Topline Sec. Hond Atlas Cars 3 156.13 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 3 156.13Aba Ali H. Sec Hum Network Limited 500 6.09 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 500 6.09Chase Securities Kohat Cement 22,500 157.49 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 22,500 157.49MRA Sec. P. S. O. 75,000 148.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 75,000 148.00Shajar Capital Pak Pak. Int. Bulk Terminal 4,500,000 5.13 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 4,500,000 5.13Optimus Capital Pakgen Power Ltd. 15,876,000 31.17 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 15,876,000 31.17MRA Sec. Pioneer Cement 2,586 62.24 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 2,586 62.24MRA Sec. Service Global Footwear 100,000 36.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 100,000 36.00M. M. M. A. Khanani Siemens Engineering 4 830.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 4 830.00MRA Sec. Sui Southern Gas 1,300,000 11.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 1,300,000 11.00MRA Sec. Systems Ltd. 500 485.00 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate 500 485.00=========================================================================================== Total Turnover 22,523,093===========================================================================================
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022