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PCJCCI chief pays rich tribute to S M Muneer

07 Dec, 2022

LAHORE: Moazzam Ghurki, President Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) has expressed his satisfaction at the display of unprecedented unity on the somber occasion of a high-profile and very well-attended condolence reference to remember one of the most revered business leaders of Pakistani history, i.e. Late S. M Muneer, paternal uncle of S.M Naveed, Chairman SEZs Punjab.

Moazzam Ghurki, President PCJCCI said on the occasion that S.M Muneer never took any political competition personally and always negotiated with the government for the collective good of the entire business, industry and trade community of Pakistan. He also highlighted the fact that S.M Muneer was one of the most persistent voices in policy advocacy circles in Pakistan and successive governments gave due weightage to his inputs on the back of his popular appeal and practical suggestions.

Hamza Khalid, Vice President PCJCCI apprised that he always led from the front and never shied away from confrontational course with the government on policy matters; and, yet he was loved & admired in policy circles as they knew that he is fighting for the economy of the country and, not for any personal gains.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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