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PARTLY FACETIOUS: Caretaker setup may be in place?

30 Dec, 2022

“The difference between an individual decision maker and an institution is that the former focuses only on Plan A while an institution has Plans A, B, C and sometimes D.”

“Whatever brought that on?”

“Shabbar Zaidi has got the airwaves humming after he publicly stated that a technocrat caretaker setup may be in place in the first quarter of next year for two years or so to sort out the economy.”

“Looking at the history of the performance of technocrats - and I am referring to both who are highly qualified and those who are not - performance has been appallingly poor.”

“That’s not what I am talking about but what you said does provide me with examples that you may be better able to relate to. Dar is Plan A for Nawaz Sharif, Miftah Ismail is Plan B….”

“Right but Plan B had to follow the instruction of Plan A, right?”

“Yes see that’s why they say there is no last word in politics – a highly qualified man in the relevant field can be easily trumped by one who is not….”

“Which explains why Plan A is now seeking the eviction of Plan B and given Nawaz Sharif’s penchant for repeating flawed decisions you can predict what will happen. And this in spite of the fact that Plan A gave an impassioned speech on Wednesday yet the stock market plummeted…”

“I can anyway The Khan’s Plan A is early elections based on his popularity and irrespective of his frequent u-turns he has not deviated from this.”

“The propaganda against him is not succeeding and his supporters…….”

“The target of a propaganda is never the diehard supporters, it is always the swing voters without whose support no one anywhere in the world can win elections, and for your information the adjustment of the 190 million pounds sent by the UK’s anti-crime agency to the country in lieu of penalty on a tycoon with the domestic court ordered penalty to be paid by him has not gone down well. Neither has the toshakhana…”

“Hmmmm anyway Zardari sahib’s Plan A is to keep The Khan out even if that means being nice to the dratted Sharifs.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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