“What is with these guys – they try the same remedy again and again and again…”
“It’s the Nawaz Sharif factor. Keep making the same mistakes again and again and hope that the outcome would be different thereby validating all previous mistakes.”
“That shows Nawaz Sharif has not read Einstein who is credited with saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
“Hey Einstein was a physicist and Nawaz Sharif is a politician. Remember the saying about the goose and the gander…”
“Well sorry but I reckon his legacy may well die with him, if you recall Ernest Hemingway said I had an inheritance from my father, it was the moon and the sun, and though I roam all over the world the spending of its never done…why are you laughing?”
“Talking of legacy Nawaz Sharif is doing a Nawaz Sharif again. He is trying to promote his daughter out of turn, the emphasis is out of turn, and I think the one happiest at that decision has to be The Khan.”
“Yep that lady has the unerring instinct of viciousness that alienates the swing voters. I would urge the oldest Sharif to look at what happened to the legacy of his close friends when they selected the wrong one to inherit from them.”
“That’s for you to find out. But for Nawaz Sharif the sun is his daughter and the moon is his samdhi…”
“And the outcome?”
“The swing voters like me susceptible to propaganda are considering swinging right back to The Khan.”
“But as long as Nawaz Sharif is a factor…”
“He will listen to complaints of other members of his party and tell her to back down but as soon as he is not a factor the party will crumble and Maryam Nawaz Sharif maybe left with the unelectables – The Man with no Portfolio, The Man Who Shall Remain Nameless, the…”
“I get it but why did Shehbaz Sharif…”
“Shehbaz Sharif is still following instructions and relying on logic to sway Big Brother away from patently flawed decisions. He reckons that as The Former First Daughter begins to alienate party leaders he will argue each case and….”
“Right but Nawaz Sharif and his daughter have one thing in common.”
“Of course DNA…”
“No both are in London and the expensive Harley Street doctors need to be pulled up as daddy has been waiting for surgery for more than three years while daughter has been awaiting surgery for more than three months.”
“Don’t be facetious.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023