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Salaries, promotions: Govt employees to stage sit-in outside Finance Division on 10th

02 Feb, 2023

ISLAMABAD: All Government Employees Grand Alliance-Federal has announced that it will stage a sit-in outside the Finance Division on February 10, 2023, if their demands are not met

A consultative meeting of the Alliance was held in front of the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday.

Under the leadership of Chief Secretariat Employees Core Committee and Chief Coordinator All Government Employees Grand Alliance Pakistan, Rehman Ali Bajwa, all the federal and provincial organisations included in the Alliance announced a sit-in on February 10, 2023, to approve the demands in front of the Parliament. Bajwa has declared February 10 as the day of unity and success of government employees. All the organizations and associations involved in the Alliance have announced a sit-in forced by the government to put aside the long-standing problems of the employees.

Bajwa repeated the demands: The salaries of 70 per cent deprived employees should be increased immediately by implementing the Pay and Pension recommendations. The notification for upgradation of federal employees from grade one to 16 whose summary approval has already been given by the prime minister of Pakistan should be issued.

By implementing the recommendations of the committee of Abdul Qadir Mandokhel, daily wages contract, and ad hoc employees should be made permanent immediately. Medical allowance, conveyance allowance, and pension of pensioners should be increased by at least 100 per cent keeping in mind the rising inflation.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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