KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.
==================================================================================================== Dividend BC-2 Start AGM/Name of Company Book Closure Bonus/ Date EOGM From To Right Ex-Price====================================================================================================Data Textiles Limited 10-Feb-23 18-Feb-23 NIL 18-Feb-23The Hub Power Company Limited # 16-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 20-Feb-23(HUBCSC2) The Hub Power Co. Ltd 15-Feb-23 21-Feb-23Kohat Cement Company Limited # 15-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23Descon Oxychem Limited 21-Feb-23 23-Feb-23 20% (i) 17-Feb-23Descon Oxychem Limited # 21-Feb-23 23-Feb-23 28-Feb-23Indus Motor Company Limited 21-Feb-23 23-Feb-23 102% (ii) 17-Feb-23AEL Textiles Limited # 17-Feb-23 24-Feb-23 24-Feb-23Reliance Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd. # 19-Feb-23 25-Feb-23 25-Feb-23Nishat Power Limited 24-Feb-23 26-Feb-23 20% (ii) 22-Feb-23Shakarganj Limited 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 NIL 27-Feb-23Ruby Textile Mills Limited # 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 27-Feb-23(SBLTFC) Samba Bank Limited 22-Feb-23 28-Feb-23Power Holding Limited (PESC1) 22-Feb-23 28-Feb-23Habib Rice Product Limited 24-Feb-23 28-Feb-23 40% (i) 22-Feb-23(BIPLSC) BankIslami Pakistan Ltd. 27-Feb-23 28-Feb-23Baluchistan Wheels Limited 27-Feb-23 01-03-2023 25% (ii) 23-Feb-23(MUGHALSC) Mughal Iron &Steel Industries Ltd 23-Feb-23 02-03-2023Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited # 25-Feb-23 03-03-2023 03-03-2023Ittehad Chemicals Limted 02-03-2023 04-03-2023 10% (ii) 28-Feb-23(JSTFC11) Jahangir Siddiqui & Co. Ltd 27-Feb-23 06-03-2023Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan) Ltd. # 02-03-2023 10-03-2023 10-03-2023Shadman Cotton Mills Limited # 04-03-2023 11-03-2023 11-03-2023Bank Alfalah Limited 14-03-2023 20-03-2023 25% (F) 10-03-2023 20-03-2023Bank AL Habib Limited 14-03-2023 21-03-2023 70% (F) 10-03-2023 21-03-2023Fauji Foods Limited 15-03-2023 21-03-2023 NIL 21-03-2023Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited 20-03-2023 24-03-2023 NIL 24-03-2023MCB Bank Limited 16-03-2023 27-03-2023 60% (F) 14-03-2023 27-03-2023Allied Bank Limited 21-03-2023 28-03-2023 25% (F) 17-03-2023 28-03-2023Engro Fertilizers Limited 22-03-2023 28-03-2023 50% (F) 20-03-2023 28-03-2023Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited 26-03-2023 28-03-2023 31.50% (F) 22-03-2023 28-03-2023Askari Bank Limited 22-03-2023 29-03-2023 15% (B) 20-03-2023 29-03-2023Meezan Bank Limited 22-03-2023 29-03-2023 30% (F) 20-03-2023 29-03-2023Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited 23-03-2023 29-03-2023 NIL 29-03-2023Al-Noor Sugar Mills Limited # 21-03-2023 30-03-2023 30-03-2023Engro Corporation Limited 24-03-2023 30-03-2023 10% (F) 22-03-2023 30-03-2023====================================================================================================
Extra Ordinary General Meeting #
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023