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PARTLY FACETIOUS: The audios are absolutely illegal

21 Feb, 2023

“I think we have to take credit where its due.” “Well the reign of Shahbaz Sharif and company began on 29 November after Bajwa, the most maligned man in our history, was replaced by….”

“I find it baffling. Here is the office that renders the incumbent the most powerful man in the Land of the Pure, a man who can raise his pinky and all parliamentarians wag their…their…whatever it is they wag to indicate complete obedience, and yet he is guided by the Team He Installed (THI) to extend his tenure yet again and….”

“General the very much retired Bajwa did not raise his pinky which is why…”

“Hey The Khan has forbidden his Pinky from taking any mursheds other than himself.”

“Zulfi Bukhari in the audio tape…”

“The audios are illegal; by the way The Khan did not sport the green ring on his pinky finger as he sat next to Yasmin Rashid …”

“Why because it’s the decade of videos and these guys are…”

“Just shut up but that is not why I think our system is worthy of credit. I was amazed at Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN) defining a death cell in her interview.”

“Why was she kept in a death cell when she was not on death row so to speak?”

“Well the death row cell she was placed in had an attached bathroom or so she claimed and a verandah as well….”

“I thought cells don’t have an attached bathroom or verandahs just a toilet and a basin in the cell…”

“Hey you in the rest of the world eat your heart out our death cells will become the rave.”

“Hmmm NMN talked about a frying pan being provided to her….”

“That dratted Khan, a frying pan means the ability to fry, and fried edibles are a hundred times more fattening than those that are not fried. The Khan merely wanted her to look fat and ugly, tsk tsk tsk.”

“But NMN did not use the frying pan to fry food, she used it to iron her clothes because it is very important to dress well and…”

“I want to know who is The Trainer these days?”

“Well Parveen Rashid is kinda not Numero Uno anymore, it’s The Rana…”

“Doesn’t The Rana have experience about jail cells? I mean he was incarcerated and…”

“Don’t know, don’t care, anyway for your information NMN gave up her seat for Shahid Khaqan Abbassi….”

“What seat? She has no seat does she!”

“I will shut up because I simply cannot put up here.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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