PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry on Tuesday announced launching the party's ‘jail bharo’ movement from tomorrow (Feb 22), Aaj News reported.
Talking to reporters, Fawad said that all preparations are completed in this regard, adding that the movement will start from Lahore before expanding to other major cities.
He once again accused the government of trying to delay the elections in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Fawad said that his party had started preparations for elections after the president's announcement.
The announcement comes days after PTI Chief Imran Khan said that his party was launching the movement for ‘haqeeqi azadi’ and urged the people to overcome their fear of going to jail.
“The opponents were still trying to threaten us, but nobody could make us afraid of jails,” he added.
In a related development, former interior minister and Awami Muslim League Chief Sheikh Rashid said earlier this week that he will get voluntarily arrested before PTI Chairman Imran Khan when the ‘jail bharo tehreek’ starts.
Speaking to the media, he said he “continues to stand with PTI and support Imran”.
Jail bharo tehreek is a strategy announced by PTI Chairman Imran Khan under which PTI workers and leaders of allied parties will give voluntary arrests “to fill jails of the country”.
“I am ready to give my arrest even if PTI opts out of the movement. I will not be a coward.”