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PMEX daily trading report

01 Mar, 2023

KARACHI: On Monday, at PMEX the traded value of Metals, Energy, COTS/FX and indices was recorded at PKR 16.386 billion and the number of lots traded at 14,086.

Major business was contributed by Gold amounting to PKR 7.935 billion, followed by Currencies through COTS (PKR 3.537 billion), Crude Oil (PKR 1.527 billion), NSDQ 100 (PKR 895.507 million), Platinum (PKR 793.767 million), Silver (PKR 555.100 million), Copper (PKR 498.984 million), SP500 (PKR 243.954 million), DJ (PKR 188.722 million), Natural Gas (PKR 185.450 million) and Brent (PKR 24.121 million).

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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