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TPL Life launches virtual platform for insurance agents

15 Mar, 2023

KARACHI: TPL Life Insurance Limited, Pakistan’s 1st InsurTech enterprise in the innovative insurance business, has launched the country’s most revolutionary Virtual Life Insurance Agent Learning & Earning Platform – “Muavin”, a means for every Pakistani to create an alternate or regular income stream by selling TPL Life’s insurance products.

The user can sign-up for free on Muavin, complete the learning phase while referring to available video lectures and course material, become a certified Muavin, start selling from anywhere in Pakistan, and earn a commission for successful sales.

This unique digital platform can be accessed for learning, acquiring a certification, and subsequent sale of insurance products by certified Muavins via Mobile App and/or Web – both life and health insurance products can be sold digitally, omitting the need for paper-based learning and sales practices.

The Muavin platform aligns with TPL Life’s vision of enabling Pakistan and every Pakistani digitally, ensuring that economic activity is intrinsic at every step of financial prosperity, highlighting the talent and capabilities that the country fosters.

“We are thrilled to introduce a medium for our fellow Pakistanis that offer them the opportunity to pursue their goals, hone their talents, and make a better living for themselves,” said Saad Nisaar, CEO of TPL Life Insurance. He added, “The overwhelming number of sign-ups is a testament to the demand for this platform in Pakistan.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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