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Activities of Karachi Port and Port Qasim

23 Mar, 2023

KARACHI: Nearly, 8911 containers comprising of 4045 containers import and 4866 containers export were handled on Wednesday.

The break-up of imported containers shows 632 of 20’s and 1668 of 40’s loaded while 57 of 20’s and 10 of 40’s empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 10 of 20’s and 1196 of 40’s loaded containers while 840 of 20’s and 136 of 40’s empty containers were handled during the business hours.


A total of 04 ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them a containers vessel Lisa left the Port on Wednesday morning, while three more ships ‘MSC Maria Elena, STI Gramercy and ES Valor are expected to sail on today.

Cargo throughput during last 24 hours stood at 82,577tones, comprising 46,401 tones imports cargo and 36,176 tones export cargo, including containerized cargo carried in 3,720 Containers (1592 TEUs Imports and 2,128 TEUs export) was handled at the port.

There are 04 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them, three ships, Melody Fair, Nordic Josephine and Broog & two more ships ‘Wide Juliet and Mild Bloom’ carrying Coal, Mogas, LNG, Containers and Palm oil are expected to take berths at PIBT, FOTCO, EETL and QICT respectively on Wednesday, 22nd March, while two more ships, MSC Veronique and OOCL Charleston are due to arrive at Port Qasim on Thursday, 23rd March-2023

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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