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Alkhidmat seeks donations for free water supply project

01 Apr, 2023

KARACHI: Alkhidmat Karachi on Friday appealed to the wealthy section of the society to donate for its clean projects to help provide free of cost utility in the city.

In line with its Clean Water Project, Alkhidmat Karachi has installed hundreds of hand and submersible pumps in Karachi and outskirts to help provide safe and clean utility around the clock for every citizen.

Director Clean Water Alkhidmat Karachi, Gohar ul Islam urged the affluent people to donate for its project since the city is struggling to receive its fair quota of the utility from the government.

"Karachi is not receiving its fair quota of water," he said that the water supplies the citizens are getting toxin-filled water, which threatens their health.

The Alkhidmat seeks to spread out further its clean water project to other parts of the city, where the utility is severely short for the public, he said that his charity organization is ready to set up pumps and bore-wells for them.

A hand pump installation costs Rs 150,000 and submersible ones between Rs 180,000 and 260,000 on averages. He pointed out and again called for donations.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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