RIG to submit petition: UN urged to introduce law to control acts of blasphemy

27 Sep, 2012

Western governments should either criminalize blasphemy as a contempt of all religions or repeal their respective anti-Semitism laws, which requires the governments to document acts of physical violence perpetrated against Jews, to ensure freedom of expression, however, failure to do so would confirm that indeed a darker agenda is at play against Islam, Religious Intolerance Group (RIG) said on Wednesday.
Talking to media men in the Parliament, Chairperson of RIG, former Justice Fakhar-un-Nisa said that blasphemous film 'The Innocence of Muslims' has caused violent condemnation amongst 1.5 billion Muslims across the world. This provocative film is clearly meant to ignite the sentiments of Muslim.
She said the RIG would submit a draft petition to all foreign ambassadors in Pakistan, to the Secretary General of the United Nations, urging them to introduce an international law to control the menace of blasphemy against religions and holy personalities. The petition urges the United States President and the Prime Minister of the UK to take stern action against the derogatory film and insulting caricatures of holy personalities world-wide.
"We plead them to endorse a Universal Protection of All Religions Law to protect all religions on the pattern of anti-Semitism laws. We should make desecration of religion an international offence. This would allow the world to deter or punish the offender, if it becomes necessary. We solemnly believe this act would promote peace and harmony and discourage those who seek to create mischief and violence," the RIG stated in the petition.
The petition says that as Western anti-Semitism has receded, it has been replaced by "Islamophobic" discrimination against Muslims since 9/11. There appears to be a deliberate attempt to foster anti-Muslim feelings across the west using 9/11 as an excuse to justify a clash of civilisations.
The petition maintains that Articles, books, drawings and films are all being utilised as a deliberate attempt to denigrate Islam and Muslims, especially the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). When Muslims have complained and demonstrated against such abuse, they have been told that democratic governments must ensure freedom of expression for all.
However, on the other side, an eminent British historian Professor David Irving was sentenced to three years imprisonment for his comments against the Holocaust. He was an author of over thirty books. We all know it is "hypocrisy" and cannot understand that on the one hand learned people like David Irving are tried and punished for their opinions in the US, Denmark and the UK whilst on the other, all those who conduct anti-Islam campaigns are free to proceed in the garb of freedom of speech, the petition maintained.
The RIG hoped that the petition would be communicated to respective Heads of State and the UN Secretary General and it would be as a constructive measure in promoting respect and dignity of mankind on impartial basis.

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