The Punjab government on Friday constituted a joint investigation team (JIT) to probe the attack at the Lahore Corps Commander’s house — also known as Jinnah House following PTI chairman Imran Khan’s arrest on May 9, Aaj News reported.
According to a notification issued by the Punjab Home Department, the JIT will comprise Lahore DIG Security Kamran Adil, SSP Operation Sohaib Ashraf, DSP-SP Raza Zahid, ASP Taimoor Khan, and Investigation Incharge Muhammad Sarwar.
The notification has been issued at the request of the Punjab police chief.
Attack on Corp Commander’s house in Lahore
Following Imran’s arrest last week on Tuesday, protesters torched the Jinnah House, which was being used as the residence of the Lahore corps commander.
The piano, writing table, desk and sword of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was also set ablaze by miscreants.
These antiques had been donated by the Quaid to the government of Pakistan, and they were preserved in Jinnah House as national heritage, sources told Business Recorder.
“Over 150 policemen were injured during violent protests across Punjab after the arrests of PTI Chief. At least 63 policemen were injured in Lahore, 28 in Rawalpindi, 21 in Faisalabad, 10 in Attock, 13 in Gujranwala, five in Sialkot and six in Mianwali,” sources said.
Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin said he would not sit with comfort until the arrest of each and every person responsible for the vandalism.