DHAKA: A well-known leader in industry and trade, ex-president of Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), ex-president of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Chairman Gard Group, Chairman Founders Group Lahore Chamber, Honorary Member Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, former Chairman United Business Group, President SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iftikhar Ali Malik has handed over the post of President SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry to Jashimuddin Sheikh in Bangladesh after a two-year term.
Now, after Pakistan, the chairmanship of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry will remain with Bangladesh.
On this occasion, Jashimuddin Sheikh, Macky Hashim (Sri Lanka), Suraj Vidhya (Nepal), Irfan Iqbal Sheikh (Pakistan) and other member countries Chambers leaders paid tribute to the services of Iftikhar Ali Malik.
He said Iftikhar Ali Malik, during his presidency, has played an important role in making the SAARC Chamber active, promoting trade in the region and shaping the policies, initiatives and strategies of the SAARC Chamber, which is worthy of praise.
Along with organizing trade exhibitions, business conferences and forums, they have worked hard to promote trade and investment and increase economic cooperation and regional integration among member countries and facilitate business transactions.
On this occasion, Iftikhar Ali Malik said, “I have tried hard to achieve the main objectives of South Asia Vision 2030 proposed by the SAARC Chamber.”
He said it is necessary that the pace of economic activities should be accelerated in all member countries. This will start a new era of prosperity, development and welfare for the people of the region, he said.
The goal of a prosperous and developed South Asia can be achieved through SAARC only by adhering to the principles of autonomy and mutual respect on an equal level among the member countries.
He said, “SAARC member countries have expressed their unwillingness to sign the free trade agreement from time to time. Now the need is to make its implementation possible. My best wishes are with the countries of the SAARC region and the sector of industry and commerce.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023