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New mechanism for shipping lines introduced

30 May, 2023

KARACHI: The Customs Collectorate Appraisement (CCP) has introduced a new mechanism for shipping lines seeking amendments in the Import General Manifest (IGM) against old and used vehicles imported under various schemes.

According to the office order issued here, new mechanism for processing amendments or changes in consignee names and addresses has been introduced to enhance efficiency and transparency in the import of old and used vehicles under the personal Baggage/Gift/transfer of Residence schemes.

The updated procedure, laid out in Section 45 of the Customs Act, 1969, aims to facilitate the timely processing of applications submitted by shipping lines and ensure strict compliance by all concerned parties.

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Under the newly-introduced mechanism, shipping lines seeking amendments in the IGM are required to submit a comprehensive set of documents to the MIS/Import section of the Collectorate. These documents include original bills of lading, both old and amended, displaying the names and addresses of both the old and new consignees.

Additionally, the application must be accompanied by the travel history of the new consignee obtained from an authorised government department, attested copies of CNICs and Passports of both the old and new consignees, the vehicle’s purchase receipt, a correction advice from the shipper, an original Proceeds Realization Certificate (PRC) of the new consignee, NOC from the old consignee, undertaking from the clearing agent authorised by the new consignee, and a request letter or undertaking by the new consignee seeking the amendment.

Upon receiving the application, the assistant commissioner/deputy commissioner (AC/DC) of the MIS will meticulously process the request. In some cases, the new consignee or their authorised representative, along with a representative from the shipping line, may be called for an appearance or hearing to facilitate detailed scrutiny. The Additional Collector concerned will provide specific approval based on the findings.

To ensure the bona fide nature of the amendment request, the AC/DC MIS will utilise the provisions of Section 45(2) of the Customs Act, 1969, in conjunction with Clause 23 and 40 of Section 156(1) of the Act, and rules 401 and 406 of the Customs Rules, 2001. This rigorous scrutiny aims to maintain the integrity of the process while expediting amendments for genuine cases.

In situations where vehicles have already been shifted to other Collectorates via IPM, the application for amendments will be routed through the respective Collectorate along with their approval or recommendation. In such cases, no further documentation will be required.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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