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PARTLY FACETIOUS: Indeed, a ‘suicide attack’

03 Jun, 2023

“It’s nothing short of a suicide attack.” “What are you referring to? You must narrow it down – I mean suicide attacks have become kinda common in this country.”

“I was referring to reports that the government has decided not to proceed with the ninth review with the International Monetary Fund because there is no way that the inane budget prepared by The Accountant will be supported – by the Fund staff, by domestic economists and by…”

“Look at the glass as half full.”

“Excuse me? Have you gone insane? I mean the suicide attack will disable me from maintaining my life style and need I add my poorer brethren will find it impossible to feed their families, leave alone educate their children and…”

“Yeah, yeah but how do you define a suicide attack?

“Where the bystanders, hapless bystanders, get massacred and it’s a random killing but in the case of the economy I would say that barring the elite, we all will suffer, especially as runaway inflation fueled by The Accountant…”

“Excuse me but please refer to him with respect.”

“Because he is the fourth time finance minister of this country?”

“Good heavens no, we as a nation have little respect for him as a finance minister and we all know his bravado does not reflect ground realities and…”

“I thought accountants take account of ground realities.”

“You thought wrong – devoted accountants, which he is, take account of loopholes and how best to avoid taxes and how to launder money for one’s boss and…”

“Alright, so how do you see the glass as half full then?”

“A suicide bomber does not only kill bystanders, innocent bystanders, but also the one who has launched the attack.”

“Ah so no fifth term possible?”

“That is the definition…”

“Excuse me, but when I said you should be respectful towards The Accountant I meant not because he is four-time finance minister but because when he launches a suicide attack he gets someone else to wear the suicide belt and…”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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