KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
========================================================================================================== For the YEAR Profit/ (Loss) EPS ANNUAL CLOSURE OF ENDED/ DIVIDEND/ After (Rs) GENERAL SHARE HALF YEARLY/ BONUS/ Taxation MEETING TRANSFERCOMPANY QUARTERLY RIGHT (Rs. in BOOKS ACCOUNTS million) ==========================================================================================================TPL Insurance Ltd - - - - 27.06.2023 21.06.2023 to 11.00.A.M. 27.06.2023 EOGMAir Link - - - - 26.06.2023 20.06.2023 toCommunication Ltd 10.30.A.M 26.06.2023 EOGMHabib Rice - - - - 26.06.2023 19.06.2023 toProducts Limited 11.00.A.M. 26.06.2023 EOGMFecto Cement Ltd - - - - 27.06.2023 20.06.2023 to 12.00.P.M. 27.06.2023 EOGMDar-es-Salaam Textile - - - - 27.06.2023 21.06.2023 toMills Limited 09.30.A.M. 27.06.2023 EOGMAl-Khair Gadoon Ltd - - - -` 26.06.2023 19.06.2023 to 03.30.P.M. 26.06.2023 EOGMMehmood Textile - - - - 22.06.2023 15.06.2023 toMills Limited 11.00.P.M. 22.06.2023 EOGM==========================================================================================================
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023