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PARTLY FACETIOUS: But there is no revolving door with The Khan

Updated 09 Jun, 2023

“Oooops.” “It was the unkindest cut of all I tell you.” “Ali Zaidi and Imran Ismail at Tareen’s…but the question is which Tareen?”

“Jehangir not Shaukat.”

“Ah, yep I agree, that must have been the unkindest cut of all.”

“I reckon unkind but perhaps not the unkindest. The unkindest would have been if they had gone to see Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN).”

“Hey talk possibilities not impossibilities – I mean even the PML-N high command has to be instructed by daddy to go meet NMN, besides NMN can’t be the unkindest – I mean had they gone to see her they would be back in Zaman Park by now.”

“Don’t be facetious, one question: why didn’t they go to the king of reconciliation?”

“I am not sure, perhaps the king was in his counting house counting out his money. In any event while there are many kings there is only one queen left, sort of like the Camilla Parker Bowles syndrome.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Well Princess Diana died very young and Camilla had decades to turn public opinion sufficiently to be able to become queen.”

“So what does that have to do with us only having one queen?”

“Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, Kulsoom Nawaz Sharif died so that leaves only one queen still alive.”

“Who? The Third Wife?”

“Yes I mean she is the only queen left, and need I add she is the real deal because I ask you did the other two queens, one born a queen the other married into royalty, ever generate enough good will with Pakistan businessmen to receive a donation of 430 plus acres plus billions of rupees to build…”

“Don’t be silly – she received the donation not because she was The Khan’s queen, albeit the third queen but because she guides some elite hearts…”

“That reminds me of our revolving finance ministers – Dar has occupied the position four times, Hafeez Sheikh three times, Tarin two times…”

“But there is no revolving door with The Khan – once you leave you cannot return.”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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