MULTAN: Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) caught 16985 power pilferers across the 13 districts of South Punjab and imposed a Rs 534.2 million fine on them during the fiscal year 2022-23.
Rs 408.3 were recovered and deposited into the treasury. 4285 applications were got registered out of 14889 applications sent for registration of cases against power pilferers during the above said period. Grand operation was underway against the power pilferers across the region under the supervision of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MEPCO Engineer Mahar Allah Yar Bharwana.
Rs 432.6 million fine was imposed on 16220 domestic power pilferers while 4045 cases registered during the fiscal year 2022-23.
Rs 11.9 million fine was imposed on 343 commercial consumers and 90 FIRs were registered.
Rs 12 million fine was imposed on 42 industrial consumers (industrialists) and 16 cases were registered.
Rs 69.2 million fine was imposed on 337 agricultural tube well users (farmers) and 128 FIRs were registered.