Dengue: health expert calls for launch of awareness campaign

17 Jul, 2023

LAHORE: The citizens to ensure a clean and neat environment to stay safe from the diseases as healthy people could carry out their religious and social obligations effectively.

The protection of environmental health is indispensable for the prevention of diseases and the creation of a healthy society, for which the entire community should take care as individual and the responsibilities of the section of society must be fulfilled. People should eliminate dengue breeding sites from their houses.

These views were expressed by Principal Post Graduate Medical Institute and Ameer Uddin Medical College Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar while distributing pamphlets based on preventive measures to the public regarding the prevention of dengue virus in Lahore General Hospital in connection with the awareness campaign.

Dr. Al-Fareed Zafar said that many diseases can be avoided by implementing the principles of hygiene in our daily life, making sure to wash hands with soap before eating and after defecation. If it is made, there will be no need to go to a doctor while the expenses incurred on treatment will also be saved.

MS Dr. Khalid bin Aslam, Prof. Faheem Afzal Dr. Muhammad Maqsood, Dr. Jafar Hussain, Dr. Abdul Aziz, health professionals and medical students were present in large numbers.

Speaking on the occasion Prof. Al-Fareed added that dengue fever is a social problem as well as a medical one and to control it, citizens should keep their homes and surrounding environment clean and dry.

He said that breeding of dengue mosquito normally happens in clean water therefore, citizens should not allow water to accumulate at the roofs of houses, open plots, pots, and water coolers and in used tires to prevent the breeding of dengue mosquitoes.

Principal AMC said that in the light of the orders of the Punjab Government and the Department of Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education, diagnosis and treatment facilities for people suffering from dengue fever will be available free of cost in Lahore General Hospital and this year as well.

Under the health education program of PGMI, series of seminars and walks will also take place to raise public awareness. On this occasion pamphlets were distributed among participants on awareness of dengue which was appreciated by the public as it will help them a lot.

Prof. Al-Fareed urged the people to take steps against mosquitoes’ production by eliminating stagnant water pool in their respective localities. Regular spraying and ensuring sanitary conditions in houses and streets can play an effective role in reducing dengue.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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