KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
========================================================================================================== For the YEAR Profit/ (Loss) EPS ANNUAL CLOSURE OF ENDED/ DIVIDEND/ After (Rs) GENERAL SHARE HALF YEARLY/ BONUS/ Taxation MEETING TRANSFERCOMPANY QUARTERLY RIGHT (Rs. in BOOKS ACCOUNTS million) ==========================================================================================================National Refinery 30.06.2023 Nil (4,463.086) (55.81) 23.10.2023 17.10.2023 toLtd Year End 02.00.P.M 23.10.2023 AGMAttock Petroleum 30.06.2023 150% (f) 12,460.790 100.15 09.10.2023 03.10.2023 toLtd Year End 12.00.P.M 09.10.2023 AGMAttock Refinery 30.06.2023 125% (F) 29,225.232 274.12 09.10.2023 03.10.2023 toLimited Year End 11.00.A.M 09.10.2023(Unconsolidated) AGMPakistan Oilfields 30.06.2023 600% (F) 36,452.582 128.42 09.10.2023 03.10.2023 toLtd (Unconsolidated) Year End 10.00.A.M. 09.10.2023 AGMBolan Casting 30.06.2023 Nil (24.725) (2.16) 28.10.2023 19.10.2023 toLimited Year End 12.00.P.M AGMFauji Cement Co 30.06.2023 Nil 7,439.781 3.16 19.10.2023 13.10.2023 toLtd Year End 03.00.P.M 19.10.2023 AGMFeroze 1888 Mills 30.06.2023 88.8% (f) 8,969.458 22.46 27.10.2023 20.10.2023 toLtd Year End 04.30.P.M 27.10.2023 AGMAttock Cement Co. 30.06.2023 60% (F) 1,516.062 11.03 23.10.2023 16.10.2023 toLimited Year End 11.00.A.M 23.10.2023(Unconsolidated) AGMBata Pakistan - - - - 22.09.2023 15.09.2023 toLimited 10.00.A.M 22.09.2023 EOGM==========================================================================================================
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023