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Cross Transactions between Client to Client & Financial Institutions

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on...
02 Sep, 2023

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on Friday (September 01, 2023).

===========================================================================================CROSS TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CLIENT TO CLIENT & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS===========================================================================================Member                       Company                                Turnover          RatesName                                                               of Shares===========================================================================================Arif Habib Ltd.              Al-Shaheer Corp                       25,126,262          9.58                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate            25,126,262          9.58Fawad Yusuf Sec              Amreli Steels                                500            20                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate                   500            20Fawad Yusuf Sec              Bank AL-Habib                          1,000,000          51.5                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate             1,000,000          51.5NINI Sec.                    Cnergyico PK                              60,000             4                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate                60,000             4NINI Sec.                    K-Electric Ltd.                           80,000           2.8                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate                80,000           2.8 Adam Usman Sec              Lalpir Power                               2,000         14.38                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate                 2,000         14.38NINI Sec.                    Symmetry Group Ltd.                       38,000           4.3NINI Sec.                                                              40,000           4.3NINI Sec.                                                              38,000           4.3NINI Sec.                                                             221,000           4.3NINI Sec.                                                             116,000           4.3Trust Securities                                                      513,866           4.3Chase Securities                                                       25,000           4.3                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate               991,866           4.3NINI Sec.                    The Organic Meat                          10,000            25                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate                10,000            25MRA Securities               Unity Foods Ltd                        1,634,500         22.11                             Total / Weighted Avg. Rate             1,634,500         22.11===========================================================================================                             Total Turnover                        28,905,128===========================================================================================

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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