KARACHI: Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor here Sunday said that our corrupt and outdated policing system is the main hurdle to the national development as this system instead of fighting crimes is promoting them.
He said we inherited our policing system from our British colonial rulers and failed as yet to develop it as per our own needs.
He said this system is filthy corrupt in its core from top to bottom. He said in fact our policemen are paid salaries from the taxpayers’ money for looting and fleecing them.
He said all sorts of mafia in our country are backed, supported and protected by police officers. He said when the common man says that our cop is the biggest thief it is not very far from the truth.
Altaf Shakoor said corrupt police is involved in all sorts of crime from peddling drugs to encroaching upon and selling government lands. He said hoarding, smuggling and black marketing is not possible without overt and covert support of the police department. He said our traffic police loot drivers more than regulating traffic on streets.
He said sadly our police stations have become dens of bribery.
The PDP chairman demanded to overhaul the police department on modern lines. He urged use of computers, surveillance cameras and artificial intelligence in policing matters. He asked focusing on community policing also to strengthen law and order at grassroots level.
He demanded recruitment in police at all level through public service commission so that educated and civilized people are made the part of prestigious police department. He said police department should be made a symbol of respect and dignity instead of a badge of corruption and dishonesty.
He said the traffic police are the most visible part of the police department and it should be made a corruption-free entity. He said issuance of driving licence should be made easy, as unlicensed drivers are the easy prey of corrupt traffic cops. He said learner’s licenses should be issued at police station and traffic police post basis so as to promote the culture of abiding by the traffic rules.
He said use of hidden cameras and artificial intelligence should be increased to detect and check traffic violations.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023