Sudan supports Pakistan's stance at all forums: envoy

06 Oct, 2012

Sudan and Pakistan shared a long history of relations and the former is fully supportive of the later's viewpoint at all fronts, Muhammad Eldei Ali, Charge d' Affairs of the Embassy of Sudan said. Addressing a press briefing here on Friday he said, "Pakistan and Sudan are going hand in hand since long and the brotherly relations between the two countries can not be challenged."
"We want further strengthening of relations between Pakistan and Sudan both socially as well as economically in order to have a valuable increase in overall trade volume that would consequently lead to an increase in the exports of the two countries", Eldei Ali said.
He informed media that recently a Co-operation Agreement between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has been signed to reaffirm the shared commitment of both the sides to overriding imperative and principle of building two viable states, in which the peace, welfare and prosperity of their peoples will be secured. "The Agreement, inked on September 28, 2012, is an important milestones in the normalisation of relations between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan, which lay the foundation for attaining their common vision of building two viable, peaceful, friendly and stable States," Eldei Ali added.
According to the agreement, the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan have agreed to enhance mutual co-operation in the fields of oil and related economic matters; the Status of Nationals of each other's State, mutual understanding on Boundary Demarcation; Co-operation on Central Banking issues and Trade and Trade-Related concerns, and developing a consensus on Certain Economic Matters Division of Assets and Liabilities, Arrears and Claims between the two parts of Sudan.
As per the agreement, Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan would establish and sustain viable mechanism and frameworks for co-operation and for managing their bilateral relations, including through regular Summit Meetings of their Heads of State, as well as through co-operation at Ministerial and Technical levels. The above agreements will enter into force immediately upon ratification of this Co-operation Agreement by the National Assemblies of each State, within forty days of signing this Agreement, Eldei Ali added.

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