Partly Facetious: He should stop strengthening his CV

06 Oct, 2012

"One question: can we afford it?"
"Well, I don't know what you are referring to? The Treasury is empty and..."
"I heard that we don't have any shortage of rupees, the printing presses are working over time just so the government's needs are met."
"Two things, first this explains the declining rupee value vis-a-vis other currencies as well as its erosion domestically and second you can't fault the State Bank of Pakistan for printing rupees as if they are going out of style - the Bank is merely following instructions."
"Going out of style? I wish it would?"
"You are anti-state and I demand that a case be registered against you."
"I merely implied that if the rupee goes out of style with the government then perhaps we can begin to lower inflation and raise employment and..."
"You are right, anyway the SBP doesn't want to print money but the Ministry of Finance led by a gentleman who is a qualified economist and has worked in a multilateral - a multilateral committed to ensuring that money is not printed to meet a government's desires, mind not need but desires and..."
"Are you blaming the Finance Minister?"
"Yes I am, he should stop strengthening his CV and..."
"That's so unfair."
"If for three years the guy has not been able to convince his cabinet colleagues to the way forward then surely it is time to call it a day."
"Ah, but he is working so hard..."
"Anyway this government has been responsible for not only raising the wage bill what with reinstatements of those terminated during Sharif's tenure, using public entities as employment exchanges and increasing public workers salaries by first 50 percent and then 15 percent each year."
"All in the name of the poor! And I don't want to hear that the wage bill rose more because of the rise in the salaries of senior staff."

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