KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.
====================================================================================================== Dividend C-2 Start AGM/Name of Company Book Closure Bonus/ Date EOGM From To Right x-Price======================================================================================================HBLTFC3 (Habib Bank Limited) 22-Sep-23 28-Sep-23TPLTFC3 (TPL Corp Limited) 25-Sep-23 28-Sep-23Atlas Battery Limited 15-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 100% (F) 13-Sep-23 30-Sep-23The Pakistan General InsuranceCompany Limited # 22-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 30-Sep-23First Credit and InvestmentBank Ltd 23-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 NIL 30-Sep-23Dar-es-Salaam Textile Mills Limited 23-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 NIL 30-Sep-23KFTFC1 (Kashf Foundation) @ 24-Sep-23 30-Sep-23Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd. # 25-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 30-Sep-23(BIPLSC) BankIslami Pakistan Limited 29-Sep-23 30-Sep-23Globe Residency Reit 29-Sep-23 1-Oct-23 30% (F) 27-Sep-23First Dawood Investment BankLtd. 25-Sep-23 2-Oct-23 NIL 2-Oct-23Otsuka Pakistan Limited. 26-Sep-23 2-Oct-23 15% (F) 22-Sep-23 2-Oct-23Colgate Palmolive (Pakistan)Ltd. 28-Sep-23 5-Oct-23 50% (F) 26-Sep-23 5-Oct-23Pakistan Oxygen Limited 29-Sep-23 5-Oct-23 18.96 % (R) 27-Sep-23Attock Refinery Ltd. 3-Oct-23 9-Oct-23 125% (F) 28-Sep-23 9-Oct-23Pakistan Oilfields Limited 3-Oct-23 9-Oct-23 600% (F) 28-Sep-23 9-Oct-23Attock Petroleum Limited 3-Oct-23 9-Oct-23 150% (F) 28-Sep-23 9-Oct-23Trust Modaraba 5-Oct-23 12-Oct-23 NIL 12-Oct-23Saudi Pak Leasing Co. Ltd. 6-Oct-23 12-Oct-23 NIL 12-Oct-23Interloop Limited 6-Oct-23 13-Oct-23 20% (F) 4-Oct-23 13-Oct-23GOC (PAK) Limited 7-Oct-23 14-Oct-23 25% (F) 5-Oct-23 14-Oct-23Good Luck Industries Ltd. 7-Oct-23 14-Oct-23 30% (F) 5-Oct-23 14-Oct-23Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited 8-Oct-23 14-Oct-23 10% (F) 5-Oct-23 14-Oct-23Agha Steel Ind.Ltd 9-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 NIL 16-Oct-23Safe Mix Concrete Limited 9-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 NIL 16-Oct-23Hub Power Company Limited 10-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 60% (F) 6-Oct-23 16-Oct-23Kohat Cement Company Limited 10-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 NIL 16-Oct-23MAC PAC Films Limited 10-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 15% (F) 6-Oct-23 16-Oct-23Century Paper & Board MillsLimited 10-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 NIL 17-Oct-23Descon Oxychem Limited 12-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 20% (F) 10-Oct-23 18-Oct-23Shield Corporation Limited 11-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23Hum Network Limited 12-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23Merit Packaging Ltd. 12-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23Tata textile Mills Limited 12-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 30% (F) 10-Oct-23 19-Oct-23Fauji Cement Company Ltd. 13-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited 13-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23National Foods Limited. 13-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 50% (F) 11-Oct-23 19-Oct-23Maple Leaf Cement FactoryLimited 13-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 NIL 19-Oct-23Clover Pakistan Limited 13-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 19-Oct-23Macter International Limited 13-Oct-23 20-Oct-23 5.40% (F) 11-Oct-23 20-Oct-23Murree Brewery Company Ltd 14-Oct-23 20-Oct-23 50% (F) 12-Oct-23 20-Oct-23Pakistan PVC Ltd. 14-Oct-23 20-Oct-23 NIL 20-Oct-23Sitara Chemical IndustriesLtd 14-Oct-23 21-Oct-23 100% (F) 12-Oct-23 21-Oct-23Popular Islamic Modaraba 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 4.557% (F) 12-Oct-23 23-Oct-23TPL Properties Limited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23TPL Trakker Limited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Attock Cement Pakistan Limited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 60% (F) 12-Oct-23 23-Oct-23Matco Foods Limited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 5% (F) 12-Oct-23 23-Oct-23TPL Corp Limited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23MCB Investment ManagementLimited 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 55% (F) 12-Oct-23 23-Oct-23Agriauto Industries Limited 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Shabbir Tiles & CeramicsLimited 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Rupali Polyester Ltd. 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Ismail Industries Limited 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 20% (F) 13-Oct-23 23-Oct-23National Refinery Limited 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Thal Limited. 17-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 130% (F) 13-Oct-23 23-Oct-23EMCO Industries Limited 17-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 5% (F) 13-Oct-23 24-Oct-23Khalid Siraj Textile MillsLtd 17-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 NIL 24-Oct-23Amreli Steels Limited 17-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 NIL 24-Oct-23Cherat Packaging Limited 17-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 20% (F) 13-Oct-23 24-Oct-23Berger Paints Pakistan Ltd. 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 NIL 24-Oct-23Kot Addu Power Company Limited 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 50% (F) 16-Oct-23 24-Oct-23Biafo Industries Limited 17-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 30% (F) 13-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Artistic Denim Mills Limited 17-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 35% (F) 13-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Cherat Cement Company Limited 18-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 30% (F) 16-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Nishat Mills Ltd. 18-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 50% (F) 16-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Dynea Pakistan Limited 18-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 200% (F) 16-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Elahi Cotton Mills Ltd. 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 NIL 25-Oct-23Kohinoor Energy Limited 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 NIL 25-Oct-23NetSol Technologies Limited 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 NIL 25-Oct-23First UDL Modaraba 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 NIL 25-Oct-23Pakistan Petroleum Ltd (Pref) 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 15% (F) 25-Oct-23Pakistan Petroleum Limited 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 15% (F) 17-Oct-23 25-Oct-23Security Papers Limited 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 110% (F) 13-Oct-23 26-Oct-23AL-Khair Gadoon Ltd. 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Khyber Textile Mills Ltd. 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Habib Rice Product Limited 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 30% (F) 16-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Ittehad Chemicals Limted 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 12.5% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Kohinoor Mills Limited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 30% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Orient Rental Mod 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 10% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Sindh Modaraba 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 12.5% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23OLP Financial ServicesPakistan Ltd. 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 20% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Nishat Power Limited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 30% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Dadex Eternit Limited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Pak Datacom Limited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 90% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Ghandhara Tyre & RubberCompany Limited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23OLP Modaraba 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 20% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Pakistan State Oil CompanyLimited 19-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 75% (F) 17-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Sapphire Textile MillsLimited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 100% (F) 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Wah Noble Chemicals Limited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 100% (F) 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Millat Tractors Ltd. 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 150% (F) 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Crescent Steel & AlliedProducts Ltd. 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23K-Electric Limited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Sazgar Engineering Works Ltd. 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 40% (F) 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Ali Asghar Textile Mills Ltd. 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Punjab Oil Mills Limited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 15% (F) 18-Oct-23 26-Oct-23Allied Rental Modaraba 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Grays Leasing Ltd. 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Ittefaq Iron Industries Limited 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 NIL 26-Oct-23Pakistan Paper ProductsLimited 24-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 40% (F) 20-Oct-23 26-Oct-23First Habib Modaraba 17-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 20% (F) 13-Oct-23 26-Oct-23First Al-Noor Modaraba 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 23-Oct-23Buxly Paints Ltd. 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23D.G.Khan Cement Co. Limited 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23J.K.Spinning Mills Limited 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Feroze1888 Mills Limited 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 88.8% (F) 18-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Javedan Corporation Limited 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 60% (F) 18-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Pakistan Stock ExchangeLimited 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Ellcot Spinning Mills Ltd. 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 60% (F) 19-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Hi-Tech Lubricants Limited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Sardar Chemical IndustriesLimited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Tariq Glass IndustriesLimited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 60% (F) 19-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Suraj Cotton Mills Ltd. 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 10% (F)10% (B) 19-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Arctic Textile MillsLimited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23Nagina Cotton Mills Ltd. 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 60% (F) 19-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Prosperity Weaving MillsLimited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 30% (F) 19-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Nimir Resins Limited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 NIL 27-Oct-23United Brands Limited 21-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Shahtaj Textile Limited 18-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 65% (F) 16-Oct-23 27-Oct-23Mughal Iron & SteelIndustries Limited 19-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 32% (F) 17-Oct-23 28-Oct-23Bolan Castings Limited 19-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 NIL 28-Oct-23Nimir Industrial ChemicalsLimited 22-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 20% (F) 19-Oct-23 28-Oct-23Aisha Steel Mills LimitedConvt Cum. Pref 22-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 NIL 28-Oct-23Aisha Steel Mills Limited(Pref.Shares) 22-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 NIL 28-Oct-23Aisha Steel Mills Limited 22-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 NIL 28-Oct-23Nina Industries Limited 27-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 NIL 30-Oct-23The Organic Meat Company Limited 10% BonusChenab Limited NIL 9-Oct-23======================================================================================================
Extra Ordinary General Meeting #
Final Book Closure @
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023