TEXT: Digitization of industrial organizations has long been lagging behind retailers and B2B companies in Pakistan.
We have extensive experience around the world with over 20 years in the United States. We have a firm belief in the digitization of industry.
Digitization of industrial organizations has long been lagging behind retailers andB2B companies in Pakistan. A survey conducted in 2020 proves that 97% of the world’s most famous brands multiply their revenue in a very short time through industrial digitization.
Therefore, digitization has become imperative for all organizations in order to keep up with the demand of consumers and technological trends. Through this process, a corporate entity can become agile, efficient, and technology-driven.
Digitization can make everyday processes and procedures more efficient(E.g: Data entry, HR operations, procurement and supply chain).Digitization can increase cross-organizational cohesion by facilitating and encouraging communication between departments.
Building a better employer brand attracts new talents and also creates greater operational efficiency through the use of automation.
Reduces operational cost by spending less time, employing less staff and minimizing costs. Enables a better use of data through A.I Analytics and Machine Learning, andopens the door to new business opportunities and revenue streams that make companies more productive, while simultaneously speeding up the response rates to changes in demand in the markets.
Several industries such as the education, healthcare, financial institutions, and textiles need to quickly digitize to maintain and grow in their position and stay ahead of their rivals. Softron Technologies is honoured to have, for the first time, digitized a Pakistani institution. Namely. The CMH Lahore Medical Collage and Institute of Dentistry, Lahore.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023