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Collection of sales info at business points: Punjab govt introduces latest technique of video vigilance

07 Oct, 2023

LAHORE: Punjab government has introduced latest technique of video vigilance to collect sales information at business points. The step has been taken by the Punjab Revenue Authority to counter the evasion of sales tax on services in the province, said spokesperson of the Authority.

According to him, the Authority has installed latest vigilance cameras at business premises to monitor real time sales data, space occupancy and number of customers visited.

This latest technique shall assist the Authority to collect and analyze the sales data accurately and transparently, the spokesperson added.

Under the plan, the Authority will monitor the economic activities in phases. In the initial phase, the cameras will be installed in leading restaurants which will be further extended to other service sectors as well as small restaurants.

It may be noted that the Authority has been actively pursuing the taxpayers to increase revenue collection through sales tax on services. It had also adopted innovative approach of reducing tax rate to facilitate taxpayers during the pandemic of Corona virus, which worked successfully and the Authority kept revenue generation pace intact.

Meanwhile, the Authority has also worked on broadening the tax base in the province and the present initiative is one of the measures taken by it over the past few months.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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