AdAsia 2023 Seoul: Messages from BIPIN R PANDIT Chief Operating Officer The Advertising Club

26 Oct, 2023

TEXT: I have so far been privileged to attend 11 AdAsiaheld at some great convention centers acrossAsian countries. This AdAsia in Seoul will be my12th.

This biennial event held once in two years is anexcellent opportunity to network with people andunderstand the type of work that is done acrossthe globe. Besides the serious business ofattending the conference in the morning this eventalso offers an opportunity to network in theevening at the various parties held in an informalatmosphere.

Over the years I have made some of my bestfriends in the industry only because of this megaevent “AdAsia”. Besides the enrichment that onegets from listening to some of the best speakers,what is important is we come to know aboutvarious countries and the culture prevailing not toforget the exotic cuisine.

I have to compliment my friend Jawwad Ahmedfor bringing out this informative supplementconsistently over the years and I must say he isdoing a fabulous job for Business Recorder.My Best Wishes.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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