“The Man Who Must Remain Nameless reckons he is being slowly poisoned.”
“Well did you know that statistics indicate that women usually use poison to kill.”
“Not likely in this case. The Third Wife, notwithstanding her spirituality, needs him alive and kicking to have any chance of a resurrection…”
“Resurrection as in return to the status of First Lady?”
“Technically she was never the First Lady, that designation belongs to the President’s Wife.”
“Hmmm, and when you say Second Lady that lacks…lacks…”
“There you go.”
“Besides most poisons are delivered in food and…ohhh.”
“Are you implying that she has convinced The Man Who Must Remain Nameless to request food from home as poison is not the only ingredient that food maybe used to deliver, there are incantations seeking greater influence and…”
“Learn to think well of people, besides isn’t the sister in the running for the position of conveying his instructions to the party?”
“I don’t know for sure but what I can’t understand is the Man Who Must Remain Nameless’s decision to use the two women in his family, who have zero experience in politics, to undertake rather delicate negotiations required for a deal on his behalf…”
“That is precisely why he selected them, he reckons there is no way they can ever take over the party leadership.”
“Unlike Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN)?”
“Not a good comparison – she will be OK till the cows come home to roost…”
“What cows?”
“As long as daddy is there, once he is gone I reckon it will take her less than six months to dismember the party, a better example of effectively inheriting a party would be Benazir Bhutto, the two women leaders in Bangladesh, and of course the deceased Indira Gandhi…”
“So you reckon The Man Who Must Remain Nameless is not being slowly poisoned?”
“His mind or his body?”
“Don’t be facetious. Anyway our history teaches us that those he accuses of slowly poisoning him have traditionally killed their adversaries rather quickly. Benazir Bhutto as a case in point, then there are…”
“Hmmm, you are right that is what their history shows.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2023