14th LCCI Recognition Ceremony 2023: Kashif Anwar President LCCI

TEXT: It is with great pride and gratitude that Iwelcome you to the annual Lahore Chamber ofCommerce and Industry...
09 Nov, 2023

TEXT: It is with great pride and gratitude that I welcome you to the annual Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Achievement Recognition Ceremony 2023, which is being organized at the prestigious President House in Islamabad. This event stands as a symbol of recognition, not just for the exceptional high achievers within our business community, but also for the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship that fuels our nation’s progress.

The primary purpose of this event is to honor those visionary individuals who have left an indelible mark on their respective sectors, contributing significantly to the growth and development of our nation’s economy. These achievers have not only excelled in business but have also embraced a sense of responsibility to society at large.

I wish to express our heartfelt appreciationto the President of Pakistan for his unwaveringpatronage and support for the businesscommunity. His gracious gesture in allowing usto host this event at the historic PresidentHouse in Islamabad is a testament to hiscommitment to fostering an environment wherebusinesses can thrive and flourish.

This catalog, presented to all our esteemedparticipants, encapsulates the stories of theseremarkable achievers, their journey, and theirunwavering dedication. It is a source of inspirationfor the present and a guide for the future.

We extend our sincere thanks to allthose who have made this event possible andto the business community for their tirelessefforts in shaping a brighter, more prosperousfuture for Pakistan.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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